By Mark

According to various sources, the interior design of the Tardis is going to be modified and changed for the fifth series of Doctor Who. Steven Moffat, who will become the head writer of Doctor Who for series five, has apparently requested this change and an official source who works on the show is quoted as revealing that it will be the most hi-tech and intricate Tardis yet. The Mirror is just one of the many sources reporting this news and you can view their article online
here. Please note that these are only rumours at the moment and they may prove to be true or may prove to be false. There has been no official confirmation stating that the design of the Tardis will definitely change for Doctor Who's fifth series but we'll keep you updated. The fifth series of Doctor Who will air in 2010 and see Matt Smith take on the lead role of The Doctor but before all that there are still four more specials to look forward to. These four specials will all air later this year and they will see David Tennant reprise his role as the 10th Doctor.