By Mark

The 65
th issue of Doctor Who Battles in Time was released today and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £2.50. As well as taking a look at General
Kudlak from The Sarah Jane Adventures series one, the issue also features much more including the contents that are listed below;
- Kudlack: War Criminal
- Card Clash: Sycorax Leader VS Crucible Dalek
- Who is... The Fifth Doctor
- The Deception of Kudlak
- The Day the Earth Was Sold
- Which Time Lord Are You?
This issue comes with a free packet of Devastator cards and an extra packet of Ultimate Monster cards. The next issue, issue 66, will take a look at the
Haemovores from the classic series of Doctor Who and come free with some more Devastator and Ultimate Monster cards. It will go on sale in fourteen days time on the eighteenth of March and the cover for the issue will be uploaded
here soon. Will you be buying the 65
th issue of Doctor Who Battles in Time?