Latest Doctor Who Magazine News

Hello –
I thought I ought to get in early about this, before everyone gets in a flap!
Unfortunately, there has been a fire at the binding house, where DWM is printed and bound. This happened in the middle of the night, and no one was hurt. As far as I'm aware, only a few hundred copies of the new DWM were destroyed or damaged in this fire, but obviously this may have a slight knock-on effect to this issue reaching the shops.
I am currently advised that copies should reach London stores on Thursday – however, some other areas may have to wait longer. Subscription copies may also be a little late arriving as a result, but hopefully any delay should be minimal.
All I ask is that you are patient if waiting for your copies to arrive, and please don't start bombarding us with phone calls and emails! I'm assured that everything is being done to make sure there is as little disruption as possible.
Many thanks,
The team working at Doctor Who Magazine are doing everything they can to get as many copies of the issue out as soon as possible and hopefully they will be available for purchase in all areas soon. Unfortunately, like many other people, copies of the issue haven't reached my area yet but I'll purchase my copy as soon as it does. The press release for this issue of Doctor Who Magazine and the 105th issue of Doctor Who Adventures, which was also released today, are currently unavailable but both will be posted here on this site as soon as they are published online. Have you managed to buy a copy of Doctor Who Magazine #406?
(imagine if it was! ;D )