By Mark

The Royal Mint, the world's leading export of mint, making coins and medals, have recently created some exclusive collectable Doctor Who coins which are now available for purchase. These collectable coins feature portraits of three different characters and they are as follows; the 10th Doctor, a Dalek and K9. They are available in three different editions and these vary in price depending on the metal used and the rarity of the coins themselves. You can view more details about these coins
here on the Royal Mint's official website. To celebrate the release of these coins and the recent regeneration of the 10th Doctor, the Royal Mint are also currently running a competition which gives you the chance to win some of these limited edition coins. More information about this competition can be found
here online. Will you be purchasing any of these new Doctor Who collectables?
By Mark

Titan Magazines have recently teamed up with Watch to create an exclusive new Torchwood comic strip which is set before the events of Children of Earth. The comic's artwork has been produced by Brian Williamson and the story itself has been written by Oli Smith. Captain Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones all feature in the story which sees the team investigate a series of murders that have occurred at a golf course in Pontyvale. The title of the comic strip is 'Ma and Par' and you can view the whole adventure
here on Watch's official website. This comic strip has been created to help promote Watch's upcoming exclusive Alien Invasion Week which will see repeat transmissions of both Doctor Who and Torchwood. You can view more information about Watch's upcoming schedule
here on their official website. What do you think of this new Torchwood comic strip?
By Mark

A new website featuring galleries of concept art designs for Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures has recently been published online by Peter McKinstry and it's now available to visit
here. Peter has worked as Doctor Who's concept art designer since the show's second series in 2006 and he has also worked on both Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Over the years, he has designed various different monsters, gadgets and planets for these programmes. He's also part of Doctor Who series five's production team and concept art from the show's fifth series will be posted on his website at a later date. As well as designing components for television programmes, Peter has also worked on the last three Harry Potter movies. More information about his work can be found on his website and more details about further gallery additions will be posted here on this site as soon as they become available. What do you think of this new website?
By Mark

The twenty ninth issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files was released today and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £6.99. This fortnight's issue comes with a free DVD containing the classic Doctor Who adventure; 'Remembrance of the Daleks'. As well as coming free with this DVD, the issue also takes a look at; Max Capricorn, Jackson Lake, Professor Yana, the Abzorbaloff and much more. It also goes behind the scenes of the programme to take a look at how the show is made and you can visit the official website for the Doctor Who DVD Files
here. You can also find out about some of the magazine's previous issues
here. The next issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files, issue number thirty, will be released in two weeks time and it will come with a free DVD containing the following classic Doctor Who adventure; 'The Three Doctors'. More information about the magazine's next issue will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. Will you be purchasing a copy of the Doctor Who DVD Files #29?
By Mark

The cover for the sixth volume of Doctor Who Magazine: In Their Own Words has recently been revealed and it can now be seen above. It was uploaded onto the magazine's official
Facebook page yesterday afternoon by Tom
Spilsbury and this edition will take a look at Russell T Davies' era of the programme. Starting with Rose and finishing with The End of Time, this special magazine will feature in depth episode guides for all of the 9
th Doctor's adventures and all of the 10
th Doctor's adventures. It will also feature behind the scenes information, exclusive interviews with the
show's cast and crew plus much more. This magazine will be released in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland next Thursday, on the eighteenth of February, and it will go on sale at the price of £6.99. The issue's official press release will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. What do you think of the cover for this special edition of Doctor Who Magazine?
By Mark

The second series of Law and Order: UK premiered in the United Kingdom and Ireland last month and the season's fifth episode is scheduled for transmission at 9pm on ITV1 tonight. Freema Agyeman, who played Martha Jones in Doctor Who and Torchwood, will reprise her role as Alesha Phillips in tonight's episode which will also star Bradley Walsh who played Elijah Spellman, Odd Bob and the Pied Piper in the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Love and Loss is the title of this week's story and it will involve the case of a drug mule's death. You can view more information about Law and Order: UK
here on the programme's official website and each episode will also available to watch
here on ITV Player for thirty days after their original broadcast. Will you be watching this penultimate episode of Law and Order: UK's second series when it airs later tonight?
By Mark

Digital Spy have recently revealed that Bill Nighy, famous actor and comedian, has been cast in Doctor Who's fifth series. According to the report, he will star in the tenth episode of the season which has been written by Richard Curtis. Further details regarding the episode and his character are however spoilers so if you don't want to see them, please avoid the rest of this post. The episode which Bill will star in will apparently be set in nineteenth century France and in the story, he will play the role of a Vincent Van Gogh expert. Vincent Van Gogh himself will be played by Tony Curran and you can view more details about this episode
here in Digital Spy's article. Doctor Who series five is scheduled for transmission in Spring this year and more information about it will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. What do you think of this news?
By Mark

The 152nd issue of Doctor Who Adventures was released on Thursday and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £2.10. This week's issue of the magazine takes a look at the Weeping Angels and it comes free with an exclusive toy of the Time Beetle from 'Turn Left'. BBC Magazines have kindly sent us details about this week's issue of their magazine and you can view this information below;
The Weeping Angels Are Back! Be careful not to blink while reading this week’s Doctor Who Adventures magazine because the Weeping Angels are in it! The Weeping Angels are returning to Doctor Who where they will come face to face with the Eleventh Doctor. Find out how they kill and why they scare us so much in this week’s issue.
You can also find out about creatures called the Flood. Discover what they are, what they want, and essential survival tips. All this, and...
• The chance to ask the new Doctor Matt Smith a question!
• The Master’s Top 10 of evil deeds
• Three fantastic posters
• Free Yucky Time Beetle
• Subscription offer – subscribe today get the first four issues for £1, and then 25% off of a year’s subscription
Issue 152 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is out Thursday 4 February, price £2.10.
I got my copy of this issue on Thursday, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 153, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #153 will come free with another exclusive gift and it will feature some more interesting Doctor Who facts. More details about the issue will be posted on this site as soon as they become available. Will you be purchasing a copy of this issue?
By Mark

John Barrowman, who is well known for his role as Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and Torchwood, will be a guest on tonight's edition of Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. On the programme, he will be interviewed and is likely to talk about landing a role in Desperate Housewives, the future of Torchwood and his upcoming new album. This will be the fourth time that John Barrowman has appeared on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross and tonight's episode will broadcast at 10:35pm on BBC One. In total, it will have an approximate running time of sixty minutes and John will be joined on the chat show by Shahrukh Khan and Lorraine Kelly. You can view more details about tonight's episode of Friday Night with Jonathan Ross
here on the BBC's official webpage for the programme. Will you be watching John when he appears as a guest on this show tonight?
By Mark

The 418th issue of Doctor Who Magazine was released today and it is now available in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £4.20. This month's issue takes an in depth look at the Daleks plus it features all of the latest news and exclusive new interviews with both Steven Moffat and Louise Page. The issue's front cover can be seen above and its official press release can be viewed in full here on this site below;
The Secrets Of Casting The New Doctor Are Revealed - In Doctor Who Magazine #418!
In the second part of an exclusive, in-depth interview in DWM, showrunner Steven Moffat talks about how the new Tardis team were chosen; the controversial new costumes; the challenges in creating the new series of Doctor Who; and, after the auditions, why it was clear that Matt Smith had to play the title role…
“It was very obvious it was him. It was just a really, really good audition. More than good acting - they were all good actors - he just had the tone of it straight away, the fun of it, the nuttiness of it… the unselfconscious nuttiness of it. Because, let’s be honest, Matt is unselfconsciously nutty. That’s what he’s like…” Plus!
The root of all evil?
The Watcher returns and proudly presents his definitive guide to the greatest of all the Doctor’s many foes - the dreaded Daleks! Discover everything you’ll ever need to know - and loads more besides - about those mutant metal meanies from Skaro…
Business before pleasure!
Steven Moffat lets slip secrets about the new series and introduces us the new people in charge of Doctor Who in Production Notes.
A stitch in time!
DWM chats to Louise Page, Doctor Who’s costume designer from 2006-2009, about dressing David Tennant, kitting out Kylie Minogue and mixing materials for a menagerie of monsters!
A bird in the hand!
Majenta is finally reunited with her old gang - but what will this mean for her companion, the Doctor? And what terrors lie in store for the universe itself? Find out in Part Three of The Crimson Hand, written by Dan McDaid with art by Martin Geraghty.
Digging for trouble!
It’s the one where the TARDIS gets destroyed! The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough tackle terrifying Tractators as The Fact of Fiction takes a close look at 1984’s Frontios…
The eye of the beholder?
Should Doctor Who be sexy? Neil Harris gives the question careful consideration - and comes up with surprising answers! - in You Are Not Alone…
The time of my life!
DWM catches up with Peter Purves and chats to him about playing companion Steven Taylor in the 1960s - and his return to the role in 2010…
It is better to give than to receive…
The latest, Doctor Who DVDs, books, CDs and games are all up for grabs in our simple-to-enter competitions!
Plus! All the latest official news, reviews, previews and much, much more!
What are you waiting for? More hastle, less speed - get DWM 418 today for only £4.20!The next issue of Doctor Who Magazine, issue 419, will be released on the fourth of March and it will feature a brand new interview with both Donald Tosh. An article taking a look at Pyramids of Mars, one of the 4th Doctor's adventures, will also be included inside along with many other features and more details about the issue will be posted here on this site as soon as they become publicly available. Will you be buying a copy of Doctor Who Magazine #418?
By Mark

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine will be released in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland tomorrow and inside, the titles for the first three episodes of Doctor Who series five have been revealed. It should however be warned that these episode titles contain plot spoilers so if you don't want to see them, please avoid the rest of this post. The first episode of Doctor Who series five will be titled 'The Eleventh Hour' whereas 'The Beast Below' will be the title for the second episode of the series. Following these two episodes, the third story will be titled 'Victory of the Daleks'. These titles may change between now and transmission but at the moment, these are the planned titles for the three adventures. More details about series five will be posted here on this site as soon as they become available. What do you think of these episode titles?
By Mark

The final ratings for the concluding part of The End of Time have today been released by BARB and we now know that the episode was watched by a total of 12.27 million people. Most viewers, 11.79 million of them, watched the adventure on BBC One but an additional 482,000 people also watched the story on the BBC's high definition channel instead. When combining the viewing figures from BBC One and BBC HD together, this means that The End of Time part two was the most watched programme of the week that it aired. You can view more information about the official ratings for this episode
here on the Doctor Who News Page. Final figures for first part of The End of Time can be found
here in a previous post and further episode ratings will posted here on this site as soon as they become available. What do you think about these official ratings for The End of Time?
By Mark

The second series of Law and Order: UK premiered in the United Kingdom and Ireland three weeks ago and the season's fourth episode is scheduled for transmission at 9pm on ITV1 tonight. Freema Agyeman, who played Martha Jones in Doctor Who and Torchwood, will reprise her role as Alesha Phillips in tonight's episode which will also star Bradley Walsh who played Elijah Spellman, Odd Bob and the Pied Piper in the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Sacrifice is the title of this week's story and it will involve the case of a vulnerable man's kidney being stolen. You can view more information about Law and Order: UK
here on the programme's official website and each episode will also available to watch
here on ITV Player for thirty days after their original broadcast. Will you be watching this episode of Law and Order: UK when it airs later tonight?
By Mark

Billie Piper, who is well known for her portrayal of Rose Tyler in Doctor Who, recently appeared as a guest on BBC Radio One's Scott Mills show and on the programme, she was interviewed. During the interview, she discussed rumours regarding the possibility of a Doctor Who movie, her thoughts about the casting of Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor and much more. You can listen to extracts from this interview
here on Blogtor Who. David Tennant and Catherine Tate also made appearances on the radio yesterday when they both filled in for Jonathan Ross while he was absent from the recording studio. Their appearance was on BBC Radio 2 and guests who they interviewed include; Anthony Head, Ricky Gervais and La Roux. You can listen to their radio presenting
here on BBC iPlayer while it's available for a limited amount of time. What do you think of these radio appearances?
By Mark

Ravensburger have recently released some information about their upcoming Doctor Who series five jigsaw puzzle and an image of the product has also now been revealed. The jigsaw puzzle features new promotional images of Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor and Karen Gillan as Amy Pond. Images of the Weeping Angels and the Tardis are also included as part of the puzzle and once completed, the jigsaw will have a total dimension size of 34cm x 24cm. This product will contain a total of sixty different jigsaw pieces and it will go on sale across the United Kingdom and Ireland at an RRP of £5.99. It's scheduled for release next month, on the nineteenth of February, and more information about further merchandise for the fifth series of Doctor Who will be posted here on this site as soon it becomes publicly available. Will you be purchasing a copy of this jigsaw puzzle when it's officially released later this year?
By Mark

The Daily Mail have today revealed that John Barrowman, who is well known for his role as Captain Jack Harkness in both Doctor Who and Torchwood, has officially landed a role in the sixth season of Desperate Housewives. According to their article, John will play the show's main villain for the final section of the series and filming for the episodes are rumoured to begin in early March. The episodes starring John will apparently premiere in America this spring and they're then scheduled for transmission in the United Kingdom and Ireland a few months later in the Summer. You can view the Daily Mail's article about this news
here on their official website and more information will also be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. What do you think of this news?
By Mark
BBC Audio have recently released some information regarding a new exclusive Doctor Who audio adventure which is set for release later this year. The story will be titled 'Dead Air' and it will be written by James Goss. David Tennant, who played the tenth incarnation of The Doctor in Doctor Who, will be the narrator of the story and the cover for the adventure's CD can be seen above. The story's official synopsis can be viewed here on this site below;
'Hello, I'm the Doctor. And, if you can hear this, then one of us is going to die.'
At the very bottom of the sea, in the wreck of a floating radio station, a lost recording has been discovered. After careful restoration, it is played for the first time - to reveal something truly incredible. It is the voice of the Doctor, broadcasting from Radio Bravo in 1966. He has travelled to Earth in search of the Hush - a terrible weapon that kills, silences and devours anything that makes a noise - and has tracked it to a boat crewed by a team of pirate DJs. With the help of feisty Liverpudlian Layla and some groovy pop music, he must trap the Hush and destroy it - before it can escape and destroy the world...
Dead Air is scheduled for release on the fourth of March and it will go on sale at an RRP of £8.99. It will follow on follow on from the previous six new series audio adventures which are currently on sale and are titled; Pest Control, The Forever Trap, The Nemonite Invasion, The Rising Night, The Day of the Troll and The Last Voyage. Dead Air will have an approximate running time of sixty minutes and more details will be posted here on this site as soon as they become available. Will you be buying a copy of this CD when it's released later this year?
By Mark

The twenty eighth issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files was released today and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £6.99. This fortnight's issue comes with a free DVD containing the next two episodes of Doctor Who; 'Journey's End' and 'The Next Doctor'. As well as coming free with this DVD, the issue also takes a look at; Sarah Jane Smith, Jackson Lake, The Master, Imperial Daleks and much more. It also goes behind the scenes of the programme to take a look at how the show is made and you can visit the official website for the Doctor Who DVD Files
here. You can also find out about some of the magazine's previous issues
here. The next issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files, issue number twenty nine, will be released in two weeks time and it will come with a free DVD containing the following classic Doctor Who adventure; 'Remembrance of the Daleks'. More information about the magazine's next issue will be posted on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. Will you be buying a copy of the Doctor Who DVD Files #28?
By Mark

Billie Piper, who is well known for her role as Rose Tyler in Doctor Who, recently took part in an interview with Digital Spy and it has now been published online. In the interview, Billie discusses many things including; the 10
th Doctor's final adventure and the possibility of Rose Tyler returning to Doctor Who once again in the future. Some extracts from this new interview can be viewed here on this site below;
You returned to film some scenes for Tennant's final Doctor Who outing. How was that?
"It was weird because I didn't have a full script and I had to do it in three hours. It was after filming Secret Diary in the day and it was too short! I didn't know anything about the story. I wish I'd been there for the whole episode - but that would have been a bit tedious!"
Is there room for Rose to return at a later date?
"I think it's done now, isn't it? I think that ship has sailed. That old, wooden ship! I really loved doing it, but Doctor Who has moved on - it's different people, different crew, different production team and I can't keep going back. It's ridiculous! It's time to move on..."
You can read this new interview with Billie in full
here on Digital Spy's official website. Billie Piper first appeared in Doctor Who when the programme was revived by Russell T Davies five years ago in 2005 and since then, she has appeared in a total of thirty four episodes of the show. You can view more information about her character, Rose Tyler,
here on the
BBC's official Doctor Who website. What do you think of this brand new interview with Billie Piper?
By Mark

The second series of Law and Order: UK premiered in the United Kingdom and Ireland two weeks ago and the season's third episode is scheduled for transmission at 9pm on
ITV1 tonight.
Freema Agyeman, who played Martha Jones in Doctor Who and
Torchwood, will reprise her role as
Alesha Phillips in tonight's episode which will also star Bradley Walsh who played Elijah
Spellman, Odd Bob and the Pied Piper in the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Community Service is the title of this week's story and it will involve the case of an attack on a vulnerable and homeless man. You can view more information about Law and Order: UK
here on the programme's official website and each episode will also available to watch
here on
ITV Player for thirty days after their original broadcast. Will you be watching this episode of Law and Order: UK when it airs later tonight?
By Mark

According to The Hollywood Reporter, an American version of Torchwood is currently being developed by the American broadcasting company, Fox. If the series is officially commissioned then the pilot episode will apparently be written by Russell T Davies who will also act as executive producer for the show alongside; Julie Gardner and Jane Tranter. The BBC have recently confirmed that this news is true and that a pilot episode for an American version of Torchwood has been written for Fox. At the moment, this is the only information that has been released by the BBC but more details will be posted here on this site as soon as they become publicly available. You can view more information about this news being confirmed by BBC Worldwide Productions
here whereas the original report about an American version of Torchwood can be found
here. What do you think of this news?
By Mark

This year's official National Television Awards ceremony took place at the 02 Arena in London on Wednesday and while it was taking place, the event also aired live on ITV1. Dermot O'Leary was the host of this year's ceremony and in total, Doctor Who won two awards this year. David Tennant won the 'Best Drama Performance' award for his portrayal of the 10th Doctor whereas Doctor Who, the programme itself, won the 'Best Drama' award. While he was at the ceremony, David Tennant also presented the 'Best Star Travel Documentary' award to Stephen Fry who won it for his documentary which was filmed in the United States of America. You can view some images and videos from this year's National Television Awards ceremony
here and a complete list of all of this year's winners can be found
here. What do you think about the results of this year's National Television Awards?
By Mark

Billie Piper, who is well known for her role as Rose Tyler in Doctor Who, will be a guest on tonight's edition of Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. On the programme, she will be interviewed and is likely to talk about her time on Doctor Who plus her role as Belle Du Jour in Secret Diary of a Call Girl which will return to our screens for its third series later this year. This will be the second time that Billie Piper has appeared on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross and tonight's episode will broadcast at 10:35pm on BBC One. In total, it will have an approximate running time of sixty minutes and Billie will be joined on tonight's show by Alan Carr and Alicia Keys. You can view more details about tonight's episode of Friday Night with Jonathan Ross
here on the BBC's official webpage for the programme. Will you be watching Billie when she appears as a guest on this show tonight?
By Mark

The 150th issue of Doctor Who Adventures was released today and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £2.10. This particular issue of the magazine takes a look at some of the show's scariest monsters and it comes free with some exclusive Mars slime. BBC Magazines have kindly sent us details about this week's issue of their magazine and you can view this information here on this site below;
150 Monster Facts! To celebrate 150 issues, Doctor Who Adventures unearths 150 of the best facts about the most horrible creatures in the universe.
There are tonnes of facts about all the old favourites – everything from Daleks and Cybermen data to info about creatures seen in the last Doctor Who special.
There’s an amazing subscription offer – subscribe today and save a fantastic 30% plus get a free Sarah Jane Adventures CD as a welcome gift.
The issue comes with the yuckiest and stickiest gift ever – Mars slime. All this, and…
• Doctor vs Master photo story
• Three fantastic posters
• The chance to win Doctor Who goodies
Issue 150 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is out Thursday 21 January, priced £2.10. I got my copy of this issue today, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 151, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #151 will come free with a Tardis moneybox and it will take a look at the Time Lords. More details about the issue will be posted here on this site as soon as they become available. Will you be buying a copy of Doctor Who Adventures #150?
By Mark

This year's official National Television Awards ceremony will take place at the 02 Arena in London tonight and the event will also air live on ITV1. Tonight's ceremony will be hosted by Dermot O'Leary and in total, there are two Doctor Who related nominations this year. David Tennant has been nominated in the category for 'Best Drama Performance' for his role as the 10th Doctor whereas Doctor Who, the programme itself, has been nominated for the 'Best Drama' award. Voting lines closed earlier this morning and tonight's ceremony will reveal the results for all eleven of this year's categories. The event will begin at 7:30pm which is when streaming will begin live on ITV1 and tonight's ceremony will also see musical performances from; Joe McElderry, the latest winner of The X Factor, plus John and Edward. Will you be watching this year's National Television Awards tonight?
By Mark
The 149th issue of Doctor Who Adventures was released last Thursday and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £2.10. This particular issue of the magazine takes a look at The Master and it comes free with two exclusive Doctor Who gifts. BBC Magazines have kindly sent us details about this week's issue of their magazine and you can view this information here on this site below;
Who is the Master? Have you ever wondered why the Master is so bad? The Doctor has tried to help him in the past, but he continues to plot all sorts of dangerous schemes. Read all about this troubled Time Lord in our fact-filled feature.
We’ve also got Vinvocci info, a quiz about The End of Time and we drop in on a cool scene from Dreamland. Talking of cool, check out the top 10 snowy scenes in Doctor Who, too.
We’ve also got a CD to give away to one lucky reader this week. The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Thirteenth Stone, a special story read by Elisabeth Sladen. Also in this issue…
• Who’s Who Collection – Gadget
• Meanest Master Moments
• The End of Time Quiz
• Top 10 Snowy Scenes
• Who’s Where – The End of Time
• Subscription offer and much more
Issue 149 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is out now, priced £2.10.
I got my copy of this issue on Thursday, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 150, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #150 will come free with some Mars slime and it will take a look at the show's scariest monsters. More details about the issue will be posted on this site as soon as they become available. Will you be buying a copy of Doctor Who Adventures #149?
By Mark

The second series of Law and Order: UK premiered in the United Kingdom and Ireland last week and the season's second episode is scheduled for transmission at 9pm on ITV1 tonight. Freema Agyeman, who played Martha Jones in Doctor Who and Torchwood, will reprise her role as Alesha Phillips in tonight's episode which will also star Bradley Walsh who played Elijah Spellman, Odd Bob and the Pied Piper in the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Hidden is the title of this week's episode and it will involve the case of a schoolgirl who has been found dumped in a skip. You can view more information about Law and Order: UK
here on the programme's official website and each episode will also available to watch
here on ITV Player for thirty days after their original broadcast. Will you be watching this episode of Law and Order: UK when it airs later tonight?
By Mark

The nominations for this year's National Television Awards have recently been revealed and we now know that there are two Doctor Who related nominations this year. David Tennant has been nominated in the category for 'Best Drama Performance' for his role as the 10th Doctor and he is competing against many other actors including; David Jason, Philip Glenister and David Threlfall. Doctor Who, the programme itself, has also been nominated for the 'Best Drama' award and it's competing against; Casualty, Shameless and The Bill. The award ceremony will take place later this month on the twentieth of January and it will be hosted by Dermot O'Leary at the 02 Arena in London. You can submit your votes
here online but make sure you've cast them before 12pm on the twentieth of January which is when voting lines will close. The results for this year's award ceremony will be posted here on site as soon as they are announced. What do you think of this news?
By Mark

2 Entertain have recently revealed details about their plans to release Dreamland, the latest Doctor Who animated adventure written by Phil Ford, on DVD. As well as containing all six episodes of the story, the DVD will also feature all three episodes of Doctor Who's Greatest Moments which were shown on BBC Three last year. You can view an image of this DVD's front cover above and its official synopsis can be viewed in full here on this site below;
The iconic Tardis touches down in a desert in the USA. Stumbling across a mysterious alien artefact in a local diner, the Doctor is led to Area 51, also known as Dreamland, the US' most secret base. He then finds himself on a momentous mission to rescue Rivesh Mantilax from the threat of the ruthless Viperox and the clutches of the American military.This DVD is scheduled for release in the United Kingdom and Ireland on the first of February and it will go on sale at an RRP of £12.99. It will contain two discs and in total, it will have an approximate running time of two hundred and forty four minutes. The set has been officially classified as a PG and more information about it can be found
here on Amazon. Will you be purchasing a copy of this DVD when it's released in all good entertainment stores next month?
By Mark

Catherine Tate, who is well known for her role as Donna Noble in Doctor Who, will be a guest on tonight's edition of Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. On the programme, she will be interviewed and is likely to talk about her time on Doctor Who plus her role in Gulliver's Travels, an upcoming movie which is set for release in cinemas later this year. This will be the fourth time that Catherine Tate has appeared on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross and tonight's episode will broadcast at 10:35pm on BBC One. In total, it will have an approximate running time of sixty minutes and Catherine will be joined on tonight's show by Ray Winstone, Arlene Phillips and Pixie Lott. You can view more information about tonight's episode
here on the BBC's official webpage for the programme. Will you be watching Catherine when she appears as a guest on this show later tonight?
By Mark

Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale - The Final Chapter has been released today by BBC Books and it is now available for purchase in all good book stores across the United Kingdom and Ireland at an RRP of £16.99. This second edition of the publication contains all of the information which was featured in the first book plus over three hundred pages of new material regarding the 10th Doctor's final adventures are also inside. In total, this book contains seven hundred and sixty eight pages and it has been released exclusively as a paperback publication. Like with the first book, this second edition has been written by both Russell T Davies and Benjamin Cook and you can view more information about it
here in a previous post where you can also find an image of the publication's front cover. Will you be purchasing a copy of this newly updated edition of The Writer's Tale?
By Mark

The twenty seventh issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files was released today and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £6.99. This fortnight's issue comes with a free DVD containing the next two episodes of Doctor Who; 'Turn Left' and 'The Stolen Earth'. As well as coming free with this DVD, the issue also takes a look at; Rose Tyler, Lady Christina de Souza, the Vespiform, Dalek Saucers and much more. It also goes behind the scenes of the programme to take a look at how the show is made and you can visit the official website for the Doctor Who DVD Files
here. You can also find out about some of the magazine's previous issues
here. The next issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files, issue number twenty eight, will be released in two weeks time and it will come with a free DVD containing the following episodes; 'Journey's End' and 'The Next Doctor'. More information about the magazine's next issue will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. Will you be purchasing a copy of the Doctor Who DVD Files #27?
By Mark

A complete box set featuring all five of the 10th Doctor's final adventures was released on DVD yesterday and it is now available in all good entertainment stores across the United Kingdom and Ireland at an RRP of £39.99. As well as containing all five of the specials, many special features are also included as part of the box set and this bonus content includes; audio commentaries with the cast and crew, deleted scenes, exclusive video diaries recorded by David Tennant, Doctor Who at the Proms, the BBC's Christmas idents, Doctor Who at the Comic Con and the latest episodes of Doctor Who Confidential. In total, the collection contains five discs and it has an approximate running time of two hundred and forty minutes. The Winter specials were also released individually yesterday and you can view more details about both of these DVDs
here and
here. Blu-ray editions of these box sets are also now available for purchase and they are both currently on sale at slightly higher prices than the DVDs. Will you be purchasing either of these box sets?
By Mark

The second series of Law and Order: UK will premiere in the United Kingdom and Ireland tonight and the season's first episode is scheduled for transmission at 9pm on ITV1. Freema Agyeman, who played Martha Jones in Doctor Who and Torchwood, will reprise her role as Alesha Phillips in tonight's episode which will also star Bradley Walsh who played Elijah Spellman, Odd Bob and the Pied Piper in the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Samaritan is the title of this week's episode and it will involve the death of a police offer who gets caught in crossfire. You can view more information about Law and Order: UK
here on the programme's official website and each episode will also available to watch
here on ITV Player for thirty days after their original broadcast. Will you be watching the first episode of Law and Order: UK's second series when it airs later tonight?
By Mark

In the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, Steven Moffat has revealed the names of the writers for this year's upcoming fifth series of Doctor Who. As he's the programme's new head writer, Steven has written the most adventures for the series with a total of six episodes to his name. Chris Chibnall has written a two parter for the season plus Mark Gatiss, Toby Whithouse, Simon Nye, Richard Curtis and Gareth Roberts have all written one story for the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond's first series of adventures. The fifth series of Doctor Who is currently scheduled for transmission on BBC One and BBC HD in Spring later this year and you can view the very first promotional trailer for the season
here in a previous post. More information about Doctor Who's upcoming fifth seres will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. What do you think of this news?
By Mark

The final ratings for the first part of The End of Time have recently been released by BARB and we now know that the episode was watched by a total of 12.04 million people. Most viewers, 11.57 million of them, watched the adventure on BBC One but an additional 470,000 people also watched the story on the BBC's high definition channel instead. When combining the viewing figures from BBC One and BBC HD together, this means that The End of Time part one was the most watched programme of Christmas week. You can view more information about the official ratings for this episode
here on the Doctor Who News Page. Final figures for the concluding part of The End of Time will be released by BARB sometime next week and they will posted here on this site as soon as they become available. What do you think of these official ratings for the first part of The End of Time?
By Mark

The 417th issue of Doctor Who Magazine was released today and it is now available in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £4.99. This month's issue has a brand new design and it features exclusive new interviews with David Tennant, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Steven Moffat, John Simm, Bernard Cribbins and Timothy Dalton. The issue's cover can be seen above and its official press release can be viewed below;
The new Doctor and Amy Pond, aka Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, give their first ever joint interview – exclusively in Doctor Who Magazine #417!
“There’s a real bond, isn’t there?” says Matt.
“Yeah,” Karen agrees. “A connection.”
“That’s wonderful, I think, but also, with that, he’s sort of less tolerant than a lot of Doctors, and she's got a fire in her soul, in her belly, and so they combust together... but there’s great affection and love there, and we're developing that all the time...” Also in the first new-look issue of Doctor Who Magazine;
The New Number One!
Doctor Who’s new showrunner and head writer, Steven Moffat, talks exclusively to DWM about the new Doctor, Matt Smith, the new Tardis design and just what we can expect from the thirty-first series of Doctor Who...
Tennant's Extra!
In the second part of an in-depth interview, the UK’s hottest acting talent, David Tennant, talks candidly to DWM about his future plans, his final line and his feelings on saying goodbye to Doctor Who.
Knock Knock...
DWM goes behind the scenes of the Tenth Doctor’s ultimate adventure, The End of Time, with exclusive photos and interviews with the cast and crew – including Russell T Davies, Bernard Cribbins and John Simm!
Licence To Kill!
The name’s Rassilon – President Rassilon. DWM manages to track down the former James Bond and leader of the Time Lords, Timothy Dalton, for an informal chat. You’ll be shaken and stirred!
It's The Thought That Counts...
DWM catches up with the irrepressible Mssrs John Barrowman and Russell Tovey, aka Captain Jack and Midshipman Frame in an intergalactic bar in an effort to find out just what on earth they were thinking...
Smooth Criminal!
There are plenty of shocks in store for the Tenth Doctor as he finally discovers the uncomfortable truth behind Majenta’s mysterious past! The brand new comic strip The Crimson Hand, by Dan McDaid with art by Martin Geraghty, continues.
Simply The Best!
He was Doctor Who’s producer during the 3rd Doctor’s era and guided the series to one its most successful periods ever. DWM pays tribute to the life and times of the late Barry Letts, with contributions from, among others, Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Nicholas Courtney, Katy Manning, Terrance Dicks, Frazer Hines, Graeme Harper and Christopher Barry.
You Put The Devil In Me!
Witches! Gargoyles! And, er, Morris Dancing! It can only be The Daemons, the much-loved Third Doctor adventure produced and co-written by Barry Letts. Travel back in time to 1971 as The Fact of Fiction uncovers the fascinating secrets behind this television classic, with the aid of a plethora of rarely seen photographs!
I Wanna Tell You A Story...
Steven Moffat reveals just who will penning the Eleventh Doctor’s first series – and why – as he finally fesses up in the new-look Production Notes!
Plus! All the latest official news, previews, reviews, competitions and more... and a giant-sized poster featuring all eleven Doctors!
Step into the future with the new-look Doctor Who Magazine. The bumper-sized issue 417 is out now, price £4.99!The next issue of Doctor Who Magazine, issue 418, will be released on the fourth of February and it will feature new interviews with both Steven Moffat and Louise Page. An article taking a look at Frontios, one of the 5th Doctor's adventures, will also be included inside along with many other features and more details about the issue will be posted here on this site as soon as they become publicly available. Will you be buying a copy of Doctor Who Magazine #417?
By Mark

2 Entertain have recently revealed details about how they plan to release David Tennant's final episodes of Doctor Who on DVD. As well as releasing a box set for all five of the specials, they will also be releasing a separate set for the winter specials which are 'The Waters of Mars' and both parts of 'The End of Time'. These episodes will not be released on DVD individually like 'The Next Doctor' and 'Planet of the Dead' were but you can view their single DVD covers here on Doctor Who Online. This winter specials collection will contain a total of three discs and it will have an approximate running time of two hundred and forty minutes. Many bonus features will also be featured on the discs and these special features will include; the latest episodes of Doctor Who Confidential. This box set is scheduled for release next Monday, on the eleventh of January, and it will go on sale at an RRP of £24.99. A box set consisting of all five specials will also be released and you can view more information about that
here in a previous post. Will you be purchasing a copy of this box set?
By Mark

2 Entertain have recently revealed details about how they plan to release David Tennant's final episodes of Doctor Who on DVD. They will be releasing a complete box set for the specials next week and it will contain a total of five discs. It will have an approximate running time of two hundred and forty minutes and the discs will feature the latest five episodes of Doctor Who since the show's fourth series finale. Many bonus features will also be featured on the discs and these special features include; audio commentaries with the cast and crew, deleted scenes, exclusive video diaries recorded by David Tennant, Doctor Who at the Proms and the latest episodes of Doctor Who Confidential. You can view an image of this box set's front cover above whereas an image of the collection's back cover can be found
here. This box set is scheduled for release next Monday, on the eleventh of January, and it will go on sale at an RRP of £39.99. A box set consisting of The Waters of Mars and both parts of The End of Time will also be released on the same day and more details about that will be posted on this site sometime tomorrow. Will you be buying a copy of this box set?
By Mark

The 147
th issue of Doctor Who Adventures was released last Thursday and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £2.75. This week's issue takes a look at the 10
th Doctor's top ten moments and it comes free with an exclusive Doctor dress-up set plus some brand new stickers. BBC Magazines have kindly sent us details about this week's issue of their magazine and you can view this information below;
It’s The End of Time! Hello there! So we’ve now seen the first part of The End of Time and we’re desperate to know what’s going to happen to the Doctor! We’ve all known for a long time that big changes are coming in this final story – so hold tight and get ready to enjoy the Tenth Doctor’s last adventure! This issue comes with a Tenth doctor dress up set and over 70 stickers. See you next week for an extra-special regeneration issue, where you can see the Doctor change shape – on the cover! See you then! In this issue…• Water – Monster secrets, how did they do that?
• Top 10 Tenth Doctor Moments
• Three brilliant posters
• Free Cyberman stationary offer
• Win amazing life size cut-outs
• Subscription offer – save over 40%
• Plus much, much more inside.Issue 147 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is out now, priced £2.75.I got my copy of this issue on Thursday, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 148, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #148 will come free with some new stickers and it will feature an exclusive
lenticular regeneration cover. More information about the issue will be posted here on this site soon. Will you be purchasing a copy of Doctor Who Adventures #147?
By Mark

The overnight ratings for the concluding part of The End of Time, the 10th Doctor's final adventure, have recently been revealed and the figures have now been published online. According to the ratings, the episode was watched by a total of 10.4 million people on BBC One which gave the adventure an audience share of 35.5%. The episode, which aired on New Year's day, was also viewed by an extra 389,000 people who watched the adventure when it aired simultaneously on the BBC's high definition channel. Final figures for this episode's transmission will be released next week by the Broadcasters Audience Research Board and it's likely that they will be higher than these overnight ratings. More details about the official figures for both parts of The End of Time will be posted here on this site as soon as they become available. What do you think of these overnight ratings?
By Mark

After last night's transmission of Doctor Who Confidential, a brand new trailer for the upcoming fifth series of Doctor Who was shown on BBC Three. The trailer features many new clips which have previously been unseen before and in total, it has an approximate running time of one minute and nine seconds. As well as being available elsewhere online, this new trailer for the series can also be viewed below;
The fifth series of Doctor Who is currently scheduled for transmission in Spring this year and it will see Matt Smith take on the role of the newly regenerated 11th Doctor. Karen Gillan will play his companion for the series, Amy Pond, and Steven Moffat will take over from Russell T Davies as the programme's head writer for the series. More information about Doctor Who series five will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. What do you think about this new promotional trailer for the upcoming fifth series of Doctor Who?
By Mark

Today, the first of January, is the beginning of a new year and it's a year that's set to see change in the universe of Doctor Who. David Tennant's final episode as the 10th Doctor will premiere in the United Kingdom and Ireland tonight and it will also be the final episode to be written by Russell T Davies who brought the programme back to our screens in 2005. Russell or David may of course return to work on Doctor Who one day in the future but at the moment, their plans are to move on and work on further projects for their careers.
Following tonight's episode, a brand new fifth series of Doctor Who is scheduled for transmission in Spring later this year. Matt Smith will take on the role of the newly regenerated 11th Doctor and Karen Gillan will play his companion for the series, Amy Pond. Steven Moffat will also take over from Russell T Davies as Doctor Who's head writer for the series which will feature a new logo and consequently, a new title sequence for the show too.
According to John Barrowman, Torchwood will also be returning this year for a fourth series which will consist of thirteen new episodes. This hasn't yet been officially confirmed by the BBC but after the huge success of Children of Earth, it seems very likely that the show will be back for a fourth series. Russell T Davies also recently confirmed that a fourth series of The Sarah Jane Adventures has now been commissioned by the BBC. He revealed this news on BBC Radio 2 and you can listen to the specific extract from the interview
here. The very first series of K9 is also scheduled for transmission this year and more information about all four of these shows will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available.
2009 was a great year for Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. The first three of David Tennant's final episodes were shown and they all received high ratings and good reviews. Torchwood also managed to receive its highest viewing figures yet with its third series, Children of Earth, which aired over five consecutive nights on BBC One. The Sarah Jane Adventures also went from strength to strength with a special guest appearance from David Tennant as the 10th Doctor in two episodes of the show's third series.
So what’s in store for this site in 2010? Well, this site will still be updated with the latest news regarding Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures and K9. New episode guides for The End of Time and the third series of The Sarah Jane Adventures will be added and there's also the possibility of new pages being made. Due to educational work, I can't however promise that there will definitely be new pages for this site but it's something which I do hope to bring to you if I have the time. I’d like to take this time to wish all of my readers a happy new year and thank every single one of you for visiting my site.