
It's 2010, Happy New Year

By Mark
Today, the first of January, is the beginning of a new year and it's a year that's set to see change in the universe of Doctor Who. David Tennant's final episode as the 10th Doctor will premiere in the United Kingdom and Ireland tonight and it will also be the final episode to be written by Russell T Davies who brought the programme back to our screens in 2005. Russell or David may of course return to work on Doctor Who one day in the future but at the moment, their plans are to move on and work on further projects for their careers.

Following tonight's episode, a brand new fifth series of Doctor Who is scheduled for transmission in Spring later this year. Matt Smith will take on the role of the newly regenerated 11th Doctor and Karen Gillan will play his companion for the series, Amy Pond. Steven Moffat will also take over from Russell T Davies as Doctor Who's head writer for the series which will feature a new logo and consequently, a new title sequence for the show too.

According to John Barrowman, Torchwood will also be returning this year for a fourth series which will consist of thirteen new episodes. This hasn't yet been officially confirmed by the BBC but after the huge success of Children of Earth, it seems very likely that the show will be back for a fourth series. Russell T Davies also recently confirmed that a fourth series of The Sarah Jane Adventures has now been commissioned by the BBC. He revealed this news on BBC Radio 2 and you can listen to the specific extract from the interview here. The very first series of K9 is also scheduled for transmission this year and more information about all four of these shows will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available.

2009 was a great year for Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. The first three of David Tennant's final episodes were shown and they all received high ratings and good reviews. Torchwood also managed to receive its highest viewing figures yet with its third series, Children of Earth, which aired over five consecutive nights on BBC One. The Sarah Jane Adventures also went from strength to strength with a special guest appearance from David Tennant as the 10th Doctor in two episodes of the show's third series.

So what’s in store for this site in 2010? Well, this site will still be updated with the latest news regarding Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures and K9. New episode guides for The End of Time and the third series of The Sarah Jane Adventures will be added and there's also the possibility of new pages being made. Due to educational work, I can't however promise that there will definitely be new pages for this site but it's something which I do hope to bring to you if I have the time. I’d like to take this time to wish all of my readers a happy new year and thank every single one of you for visiting my site. Mark

2 comments so far.

  1. Luke 1 January 2010 at 17:02
    Great post! You're right, 2009 has been a great year for Who, SJA and Torchwood! :D

    Happy New Year!!!!
  2. Brad 2 January 2010 at 00:29
    Happy New Year!

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