The End of Tardis and Torchwood Treasures

This is now my 1,855th post to date on this website and I'm sorry to say that it will unfortunately be my last. Due to various other commitments, mainly education, I have recently found myself unable to keep up to date in posting all of the latest news. I'd like to take this time to thank every single one of you who has ever visited this website and supported it, it means a lot and I've had a great time over the past three years. Tardis and Torchwood Treasures has today turned three years old and with over 745,000 hits, I'm very proud of how succesful it has been. I'm also proud to say that I managed to keep it updated every single day barring two days when my computer had to be repaired and over time, the site has received a total of one hundred and sixty seven followers. Don't worry though, there are still plenty of other websites which are updated with the latest news and some of these can be found here in this website's very own link section. Special thanks and mentions go out to; Alex, Ashleigh, Aquatics64, Ayrton, Becky from The Oncoming Storm, Brad from The Gallifrey Vortex, Carly, Claire, Colin Kelly, Conor from Tardis Base, Cpotey, Daniel, Danzi, Hayley, Kane from Tardis 911, Kyle from Doctor Who Mad Online, Luke from The Doctor Who Site, Paul, Rhys, Rhys from Doctor Who Hideout and Robert Cyberman from Australia. Although I'm closing this website, I'm still a massive fan of Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures and K9. I'm really looking forward to seeing where all four shows go next and I hope you all enjoy the futures of the programmes too. Thanks once again for everything, best wishes, Mark.
All the best!
Educations first! ;)
Good luck in the future.
You were a superb, increible page, so professional and so much interesting information in it... This was one of my main references for the Doctor Who Universe, and one of the few with su much good, good taste for everything.
I hope you can do something about this. If not, I will be always waiting for your return.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who will miss this site and your work.
This website has been really awesome! It has been the best Doctor Who bloggers sites!
I have been very glad to visit the website for the latest news. I'm really going to miss it!
You've done an amazing work!
Thank you SO MUCH!
Good luck for the future!
Good luck for whatever you do next.
Good luck with everything!!
On the one hand, like many above, I'm tempted to say "best of luck etc and thanks for all the hard work you've put in". However, on the other I really hope you do make a return someday, maybe not even on a regular basis. Possibly just the odd post when you come across something exciting.
I do hope the studies go well regardless.
Even though I knew you where going to stop it, It's a shame to see the site go, but life and education is more important.
The past few years have been... crazy.
Haha well crazy, fun, everything.
I hope you do well and that I'll speak to you soon.
Farewell Tardis and Torchwood Treasures.
Ps: try and read this like you've just shut the site down.. bit awkward being three months late lol.