
Bill Nighy Cast in Doctor Who Series Five

By Mark
Digital Spy have recently revealed that Bill Nighy, famous actor and comedian, has been cast in Doctor Who's fifth series. According to the report, he will star in the tenth episode of the season which has been written by Richard Curtis. Further details regarding the episode and his character are however spoilers so if you don't want to see them, please avoid the rest of this post. The episode which Bill will star in will apparently be set in nineteenth century France and in the story, he will play the role of a Vincent Van Gogh expert. Vincent Van Gogh himself will be played by Tony Curran and you can view more details about this episode here in Digital Spy's article. Doctor Who series five is scheduled for transmission in Spring this year and more information about it will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. What do you think of this news?

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