Torchwood Radio Stories Broadcast Dates Revealed
The broadcast dates for this year's special Torchwood radio adventures have recently been revealed and we now know that they will air over three consecutive afternoons next month. Asylum, the first of the radio plays, will broadcast on the first of July at 2:15pm on BBC Radio Four. Golden Age, the second of the radio plays, will then air on the second of July and The Dead Line, the third of the radio plays, will follow and broadcast on the third of July. Like with Asylum, both Golden Age and The Dead Line will transmit on their respective dates at 2:15pm on BBC Radio Four. Each radio play will be approximately sixty minutes long and you can view each of the adventure's synopses here in a previous post. All of the radio plays will also be released on CD after their transmission and you can view details about the CD for Asylum here. More information about all three of these radio plays will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes available.
Miss Gallifrey
The Bad Wolf TV