Torchwood Children of Earth Preview Synopsis

1965: Twelve children are gathered on a deserted moor, before being surrounded by a harsh, bright light .... and then they are gone! Today: all over Earth, children stop moving. Stop playing, stop laughing. Then, as one, they begin to speak with the same voice, announcing the imminent arrival of a new alien threat. "We are coming...". As the British government closes ranks, it issues a death warrant against Captain Jack and Torchwood...
Torchwood's third series, Children of Earth, will consist of five episodes which will each have an approximate running time of sixty minutes. The series will air over five consecutive nights this Summer on BBC One and you can view two trailers for the season here and here in previous posts. More information about Torchwood's upcoming third series will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes available. What do you think of this synopsis?