Doctor Who Adventures #113
Sontar-ha! There are Sontarans on the loose
Doctor Who Adventures looks at last year’s Sontaran invasion, with a monster who’s who and story guide to the exciting episodes. We also look at the Sontaran warship – a very impressive and magnificent spaceship!
This week’s magazine comes with a Sontaran spaceship game, badges, and stickers.
What else?
• Posters: The Tenth Doctor, Cybermen, Sontarans and Daleks!
• Make: You’ll find a Tritovore mask and we show you how to make some alien hands.
• News: Wilf’s back … but where’s Donna?
• Blast from the Past: Sarah Jane travels in the TARDIS for the first time and the Doctor meets a Sontaran. Yikes!
• Puzzles and competitions: Fun things to work out and win.
• Comic strip: All is not well when the Doctor and Heather go sightseeing.
• Subscription offer: Subscribe today and get an amazing Doctor Who book!
Doctor Who Adventures, issue 113, priced £2.10, is out Thursday 30 April 2009.
I got my copy of this issue today, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 114, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #114 will come with a free Dalek wallet. It will take a look at the top ten Dalek dangers and more information about the issue will be posted as soon as it becomes available. Will you be purchasing a copy of Doctor Who Adventures #113?