Doctor Who Adventures #110
Dress up like the Doctor with Doctor Who Adventures magazine!
This week’s bumper issue of Doctor Who Adventures, out on Thursday 9 April, will prepare you for this weekend’s special episode, Planet of the Dead.
Check out a preview of the new adventure. Who is the mysterious Christina? What is a London bus doing on an alien world? And what about the creepy new aliens that look like big flies?!
You’ll also find a competition to win loads of Doctor Who DVDs (containing 21 stories in total!) plus an LCD television with built-in DVD player.
The issue comes with a dress-up-like-the Doctor kit – including everything you need to look like your favourite Time Lord. There’s a TARDIS key, sonic screwdriver, glasses and tie! Make sure you’re dressed as the Doctor while watching the Easter special. What else?
• Posters: Planet of the Dead, the TARDIS, the Doctor in Silence in the Library, the Ood
• Fact file: 21 amazing facts about the Doctor!
• Survival guide: What to do if you meet a Slitheen.
• Tales from the TARDIS: Davros tests out the Reality Bomb – look out!
• Puzzles and competitions: Fun things to work out and win!
• Comic strip: Danger on the planet Tranquility.
• Subscription offer: Subscribe today and get an amazing Doctor Who book!
Doctor Who Adventures, issue 110, priced £2.75, is out Thursday. It’s essential reading for young fans of monsters and time travel.
This week’s bumper issue of Doctor Who Adventures, out on Thursday 9 April, will prepare you for this weekend’s special episode, Planet of the Dead.
Check out a preview of the new adventure. Who is the mysterious Christina? What is a London bus doing on an alien world? And what about the creepy new aliens that look like big flies?!
You’ll also find a competition to win loads of Doctor Who DVDs (containing 21 stories in total!) plus an LCD television with built-in DVD player.
The issue comes with a dress-up-like-the Doctor kit – including everything you need to look like your favourite Time Lord. There’s a TARDIS key, sonic screwdriver, glasses and tie! Make sure you’re dressed as the Doctor while watching the Easter special. What else?
• Posters: Planet of the Dead, the TARDIS, the Doctor in Silence in the Library, the Ood
• Fact file: 21 amazing facts about the Doctor!
• Survival guide: What to do if you meet a Slitheen.
• Tales from the TARDIS: Davros tests out the Reality Bomb – look out!
• Puzzles and competitions: Fun things to work out and win!
• Comic strip: Danger on the planet Tranquility.
• Subscription offer: Subscribe today and get an amazing Doctor Who book!
Doctor Who Adventures, issue 110, priced £2.75, is out Thursday. It’s essential reading for young fans of monsters and time travel.
I got my copy of this issue today, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 111, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #111 will come with some free Dalek stationary and take an in depth look at Planet of the Dead which will air this Saturday at 6:45pm on BBC One. Will you be purchasing a copy of the one hundred and tenth issue of Doctor Who Adventures?