
New Torchwood Books - May 2009

By Mark
The titles and author's names for the next set of Torchwood novels have now been revealed along with the synopses for each of the books. Into the Silence, Bay of the Dead and The House That Jack Built are the titles of the novels and more information can be viewed below;

Into the Silence by Sarah Pinborough
The body in the church hall is very definitely dead. It has been sliced open with surgical precision, its organs exposed, and its vocal cords are gone. It is as if they were never there or they've been dissolved... With the Welsh amateur Operatic Contest getting under way, music is filling the churches and concert halls of Cardiff. The competition has attracted the finest Welsh talent to the city, but it has also drawn something else - there are stories of a metallic creature hiding in the shadows. Torchwood are on its tail, but it's moving too fast for them to track it down. This new threat requires a new tactic - so Ianto Jones is joining a male voice choir...

Bay of the Dead by Mark Morris
When the city sleeps, the dead start to walk... Something has sealed off Cardiff, and living corpse are stalking the streets, leaving a trail of half-eaten bodies. Animals are butchered. A young coupe in their car never reach home. A stolen tugboat is brought back to shore, carrying only human remains. And a couple of girls heading back from the pub watch the mysterious drivers of a big black SUV take over a crime scene. Torchwood have to deal with the intangible barrier surrounding Cardiff, and some unidentified space debris that seems to be regenerating itself. Plus, of course, the all-night zombie horror show. Not that they really believe in zombies.

The House That Jack Built by Guy Adams
Jackson Leaves - an Edwardian house in Penylen, built 1906, semi-detached, three storeys, spacious, beautifully presented. Left in good condition to Rob and Julia by Rob's late aunt. It's an ordinary sort of a house. Except for the way the rooms don't stay in the same places. And the strange man that turns up in the airing cupboard. And the apparitions. And the temporal surges that attract the attentions of Torchwood. And the fact that the first owner of Jackson Leaves in 1906 was a Captain Jack Harkness...

These Torchwood books will go on sale next year at an RRP of £6.99. The expected day of release is the twenty first of May and each book will consist of 256 pages. At the moment, the covers for these novels are unavailable but they will be posted as soon as they are. The latest set of Torchwood books were released on Thursday and you can can read more about them including the synopses for each of the books here in a previous post.

3 comments so far.

  1. Conor 22 October 2008 at 19:44
    Great post those Torchwood books sound great but for now Im reading Torchwood Pack Animals, but that and the other two Torchwood books released last Thursday wont last until May! Oh well theres Doctor Who books coming.
  2. Anonymous 22 October 2008 at 20:24
    Sounds good!
  3. Patrick 23 October 2008 at 04:03
    Can't wait for these books!

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