By Mark
The picture above was made by me. Doctor Who took home three TVQuick/TVChoice magazine awards last night. David Tennant won the award for Best Actor, Catherine Tate won the award for Best Actress and the show itself won the award for Best Loved Drama. Catherine Tate, John Barrowman, Bernard Cribbins and Phil Collinson were all in attendance at the ceremony last night which took place at London's Dorchester Hotel.

You can read more about this news
here on the BBC's official Doctor Who website. In other news The Sun have reported today that there are plans for a Doctor Who movie and that Russell T Davies is hoping to cast Catherine Zeta Jones alongside David Tennant as The Doctor for the film. This is just a rumour and you can read more about it
here. Also make sure you don't forget that Lost Souls, a special Torchwood audio adventure, will air tomorrow on BBC Radio 4 at 2:15pm. More will be posted about it after it's transmission.
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