Doctor Who Dreamland DVD Details
The iconic Tardis touches down in a desert in the USA. Stumbling across a mysterious alien artefact in a local diner, the Doctor is led to Area 51, also known as Dreamland, the US' most secret base. He then finds himself on a momentous mission to rescue Rivesh Mantilax from the threat of the ruthless Viperox and the clutches of the American military.
This DVD is scheduled for release in the United Kingdom and Ireland on the first of February and it will go on sale at an RRP of £12.99. It will contain two discs and in total, it will have an approximate running time of two hundred and forty four minutes. The set has been officially classified as a PG and more information about it can be found here on Amazon. Will you be purchasing a copy of this DVD when it's released in all good entertainment stores next month?
Plus TOTALLY agree about the box-set thing.
Keep the Blue Light Flashing!
Sassy xx