
Doctor Who Adventures #150

By Mark
The 150th issue of Doctor Who Adventures was released today and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £2.10. This particular issue of the magazine takes a look at some of the show's scariest monsters and it comes free with some exclusive Mars slime. BBC Magazines have kindly sent us details about this week's issue of their magazine and you can view this information here on this site below;

150 Monster Facts! To celebrate 150 issues, Doctor Who Adventures unearths 150 of the best facts about the most horrible creatures in the universe.

There are tonnes of facts about all the old favourites – everything from Daleks and Cybermen data to info about creatures seen in the last Doctor Who special.

There’s an amazing subscription offer – subscribe today and save a fantastic 30% plus get a free Sarah Jane Adventures CD as a welcome gift.

The issue comes with the yuckiest and stickiest gift ever – Mars slime. All this, and…

• Doctor vs Master photo story
• Three fantastic posters
• The chance to win Doctor Who goodies

Issue 150 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is out Thursday 21 January, priced £2.10.

I got my copy of this issue today, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 151, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #151 will come free with a Tardis moneybox and it will take a look at the Time Lords. More details about the issue will be posted here on this site as soon as they become available. Will you be buying a copy of Doctor Who Adventures #150?

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