
Doctor Who Adventures #148

By Mark
The 148th issue of Doctor Who Adventures was released today and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £2.10. This week's issue features an exclusive lenticular regeneration cover and it comes free with some brand new stickers for The End of Time. BBC Magazines have kindly sent us details about this week's issue of their magazine and you can view this information here on this site below;

Are you ready for the new Doctor?

Amazing collector’s edition! Doctor Who Adventures begins the New Year with a bang! Watch the 10th Doctor regenerate into the 11th Doctor with this week’s special lenticular cover.

Inside, we says goodbye to the 10th Doctor and hello to the 11th Doctor, played by Matt Smith. Don’t worry though – underneath he’s still the same hero that you know and love.

The Doctor has battled lots of ferocious foes over the years – this week Doctor Who Adventures finds out what it takes to be the biggest and baddest monster. All this, and…

• Free stickers of The End of Time
• Fact File: What we’ll miss about the Tenth Doctor
• Top 10 Heroic Exits
• Amazing posters from The End of Time
• Subscription offer – subscribe today and save a fantastic 30% plus get a free Sarah Jane Adventures audiobook, The Shadow People, written by Scott Handcock, as a welcome gift

Issue 148 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is out Thursday 7 January, price £2.10.

I got my copy of this issue today, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 149, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #149 will come free with two free gifts and it will take an in depth look at The Master. More information about the issue will be posted on this site as soon as it becomes available. Will you be buying a copy of Doctor Who Adventures #148?

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