Doctor Who Adventures #135
Upgraded! This week, Doctor Who Adventures magazine has loads of facts about Cybermen. We look at why these metal menaces want to upgrade everyone.
We find out how the design team created the Cybermen in this week’s behind-the-scenes feature. Discover how long it took to build them, how they got the Cyber army to walk in sync and what happened the first time the actors put the suits on.
This week’s Top 10 is full of laughs! We’ve got all the greatest Doctor Who funny moments, including Donna meeting the Doctor again and Rose getting drenched with disinfectant. Plus…
• Two free packs of trading cards
• Free Cyber head frame, so you can upgrade to Cyberkind!
• 3 amazing posters!
• Puzzles and competitions
• Subscription offer – subscribe today and save a fantastic 40%
Doctor Who Adventures, issue 135, priced £2.10, is in shops on Thursday 1 October! Grab your issue today and upgrade immediately!
I got my copy of this issue today, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 136, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #136 will come free with two more packets of Alien Armies cards and a glow in the dark Slitheen head. More details will be posted here on this site as soon as they become available. Will you be buying a copy of Doctor Who Adventures #135?