By Mark

Doctor Who at the Fab Cafe, a new convention in Manchester, will take place today on Portland Street. The event will be run by the people who set up 'Who at the Cavern' for three years in Liverpool and the cafe will open it's doors for the convention at 9:30am. Stars from the classic series of Doctor Who will be attending the convention and the full guest list is as follows; Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Nicola Bryant, Frazer Hines, Mark Strikston, Lisa Bowerman, Toby Hadoke and Charlie Ross. Big Finish and Who Blackpool will also be in attendance of the event along with their products which will be available for purchase. You can view more information about this convention
here and find out how to access the Fab Cafe
here. I will be attending this convention today and will hopefully be able to post pictures of the guests here on this website at a later date. Will you be attending Doctor Who at the Fab Cafe in Manchester today?