By Mark

Sci-Fi Collector have recently revealed details about two limited edition Torchwood figures which they now have on sale. Special limited edition versions of the Ianto Jones and Captain John figures from the upcoming second wave of Torchwood figures are now available for purchase online in wave one designed packaging. They are limited to one thousand each and most of them will be sold at upcoming Gareth David-Lloyd and James Marsters concerts. A small amount of stock has however been uploaded onto Sci-Fi Collector's official website for those that can't attend the concerts so if you want to purchase these figures in wave one packaging and a few months before their official wave two release then it's probably best that you order them sooner rather than later. Both of these figures will also be released as part of wave two this Summer meaning that it's the figures in the packaging itself that will become a rarity. You can view more information about these figures as well as purchase them
here online. Will you be buying these figures?