Latest Doctor Who Special Rumours

“This will be the most exciting episode Doctor Who have ever done. We really wanted to get all the companions back on board as a fitting send-off to David and of all the enemies for him to face in his final episode it makes sense for The Master to be the main one. Getting Billie Piper to agree is a real coup, but fortunately she loved working on the show so much that it didn’t take much convincing.”
It should be noted however that there has been no official confirmation stating that this is true so at the moment these are only rumours. They may turn out to be true or may turn out to be false so at the moment it's best that they are taken with a pinch of salt. You can view The Sun's article about these rumours here and more information will be posted here on this site if and when it becomes available. What do you think about these latest rumours?
The Gallifrey Vortex