By Mark

Nominations for this year's Hugo Awards have recently been revealed and we now know that two stories from Doctor Who series four have a chance of winning the award for 'Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form'. Steven Moffat's two-parter, 'Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead', is one of the stories nominated for this award and the other is 'Turn Left' which was written by Russell T Davies. Both of these episodes aired last year and they face competition from episodes of; Lost and Battlestar Galactica. Joss Whedon's internet musical 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog' has also been nominated for this award and you can view a full list of nominations
here on the ceremony's official website. This isn't the first time that Doctor Who has been nominated for this award and Steven Moffatt has won it for the past three years for his work on his Doctor Who episodes; 'The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances', 'The Girl in the Fireplace' and 'Blink'. The results for all of this year's awards will be announced in August and they will be posted here on this site as soon as they become available. Which of the stories do you want to win?