Doctor Who Adventures #108
How do you know if you’re in a parallel world?
This week’s issue of Doctor Who Adventures, out on Thursday 26 March, is a parallel worlds special.
Discover what happened when a sinister fortune teller made Donna rewrite history in last year’s episode Turn Left. You can also find out about all the weird alternate realities in Doctor Who – and learn how to see if you have strayed into one by accident.
The issue comes with a free set of badges and a model watch, just like the one UNIT gave to Donna when she went back in time and saved the universe! Inside the magazine, we’ve got a cool game you can play with the watch called Time watch dash…
Plus monster scares and loads of fun guaranteed! What else?
• Posters: An Ood, the Doctor’s daughter Jenny, and Donna and the Fortune Teller in Turn Left.
• Quiz: What do you know about Luke Rattigan?
• Tales from the TARDIS: The Cybermen crash into Jackie Tyler’s party!
• Puzzles and competitions: Things to win and puzzles to solve!
• Colour it! There’s a Cyber Controller waiting for you!
• Comic strip: Meet some pirate meerkats in this week’s exciting comic strip.
• Subscription offer: Subscribe today and get a brilliant Dalek rucksack.
Doctor Who Adventures, issue 108, priced £2.10, is out Thursday 26 March! Don’t miss it!
I got my copy of this issue today, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 109, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #109 will take a look at some of the 10th Doctor's funniest moments from his many alien encounters and come with a free gift that is at the moment unknown. Will you be buying a copy of the 108th issue of Doctor Who Adventures magazine?
I got my copy of this issue today, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 109, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #109 will take a look at some of the 10th Doctor's funniest moments from his many alien encounters and come with a free gift that is at the moment unknown. Will you be buying a copy of the 108th issue of Doctor Who Adventures magazine?