The Doctor Who DVD Files #4
The fourth issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files was released today and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £6.99. This fortnight's issue comes with two free DVDs; one features the classic Doctor Who story 'The Five Doctors' and the other contains the episodes; The Long Game and Father's Day. As well as coming free with the two DVDs, the issue also takes a look at; Donna Noble, Pete Tyler, the special weapons Dalek, the Tardis console and much more. You can visit the official website for the Doctor Who DVD Files here and find out about the magazine's previous issues here, here and here. The next issue will be released in two weeks time and come with a free DVD containing Steven Moffat's episodes of Doctor Who series one; The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. Will you be buying the fourth issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files?
The Gallifrey Vortex