Doctor Who Adventures #101
This week’s issue of Doctor Who Adventures is a Sontaran special – and it’s full of Sontaran secrets! There’s an interview with actor Anthony O’Donnell who played Kaagh in The Sarah Jane Adventures plus the second part of a guide to the baked potato-headed creatures. The Sontarans live to fight – so you’ll find our facts very important if they ever return to Earth.
Get ready for Red Nose Day with Freema Agyeman, who tells us how you can get involved in events to raise money for charity.
The issue, out Thursday 5 February 2009, also comes with a FREE robot dog K-9 and loads of great stickers too.
Grab a copy before the Sontarans steal them all! Sontra-ha! Also;
• Posters: Brave Captain Jack, deadly Davros, a scary Pyrovile
• News: Freema tells us how you can join in Red Nose Day fun.
• Fact file: A look at the brave people who’ve helped the Doctor save worlds.
• Blast from the Past: Back in time to a dangerous adventure for the Fifth Doctor as played by Peter Davison – Black Orchid.
• Quiz: How well do you know Donna?
• Console quest: Stick some stickers on the TARDIS console!
• Doctor’s data: All about the Brigadier!
• Comic strip: The Doctor and Heather help plug a temporal hiccup.
• Subscription offer: Subscribe today and get a Dalek adventure CD!
• Plus loads more…
Doctor Who Adventures, issue 101, priced £2.10, is out Thursday 5 February.
I got my copy of this issue today, if you want your copy make sure you buy it before next Thursday which is when the next issue of Doctor Who Adventures, issue 102, will be released. Doctor Who Adventures #102 will come with a free mystery stationary gift and feature facts about Matt Smith. Will you be buying the Doctor Who Adventures #101?