By Mark

The 53rd issue of Doctor Who Battles in Time was released today and is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom at the price of £2.50. The issue comes with two free packets of the newly released Devastator cards and takes a look at the Shadow Proclamation. A list of contents for the issue can be viewed below;
- Shadow Proclamation & Judoon
- Episode Guide: Silence in the Library
- Card Clash: Davros VS Supreme Dalek
- Comic Strip: The Time Stealer
- Dalek Wars: Daleks VS US Military
- Plus lots more
A special issue of Doctor Who Battles in Time that comes free with four packs of Devastator cards was also released today and you can read more information about it
here in a previous post. The next issue, issue 54, will come free with some more Devastator cards and go on sale in twelve days time.