By Mark

For the past two weeks there has been a poll on the sidebar asking whether or not you think I should change the layout and design of the site. I could have either kept with the one that can be seen in the above picture or change to the one that is up at the moment. Results are now in and 81% of the people who answered, 215 people in total, voted for the new layout. 48 people voted for the old layout which added up to 18% and I'd like to thank all 263 people who voted in the poll for letting me know what they think. The new layout is now up and I hope you all like it. In a bid to make the site more professional, I have also decided to stop putting "Enjoy my post, please comment below, thanks" at the end of all my posts. Obviously I still hope you do enjoy my posts and I do appreciate any comments posted on the site. The previous post is for use on the sidebar as I felt there were so many links filling up space that could be used for other things. I'd like to thank all my visitors for their patience with me changing the look of the site and all should be running as normal soon.
It's fantastic!
Love the colours and everything
Well done!