Cybershades at Christmas
"Like we did with the Daleks, we've taken the original robot and made it a bit more sinister. The Cybershade is a mutant with some of the looks of the Cybermen - but it is a much darker creation. Fans always want something new. Just wheeling out Cybermen again would be tame."
The Cybermen that appear in this year's Christmas special are likely to be the ones created by John Lumic on the parallel version of Earth and the last time we saw them was in Doomsday when they were sucked into the void along with the Daleks. The 2008 Christmas special will air later this year and the title is yet to be confirmed, we do know however that it is three words long. What do you think of this news?
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The Cybershades sound awesome.
Cant wait!
crmhpfan :D