
New Head Writer for Series Five: Steven Moffat

By Mark
The picture above was made by me.
The BBC announced today that Steven Moffat, writer of many Doctor Who stories including "The Girl in the Fireplace" and "Blink", will take over as executive producer and lead writer of Doctor Who for it's fifth series in 2010. Unfortunately this means that Russell T Davies will be stepping down after the 2009 specials. I, as a fan of the show, would like to thank Russell for all the hard work he has put into the show. He has been fantastic and the show wouldn't have been the same without him so thanks Russell and best of luck for the future. Steven is a great writer and I'm sure the show's fifth series 5 is going to be fantastic. You can read more about Russell leaving and Steven Moffat becoming executive producer and lead writer here.
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5 comments so far.

  1. Doctor Who Hideout 20 May 2008 at 20:14
    Great Picture! Shame that Russell T Davies is Stepping down from Doctor Who, He may have not been the Best Writer or Producer but Fans who Dislike the New Series should Praise him for the Revival of the Show. Im Sure Steven will be a Great Head Writer. Cant wait for his Two Parter on our Screens Soon!
  2. Anonymous 20 May 2008 at 20:15
    Can't believe RTD is leaving :( his stories have been some of the best. Steven's stories have been great as well, can't wait to see what series 5 is going to be like! Shame we have to wait 2 years for it
  3. Gaz 20 May 2008 at 20:27
    I really like most of R.T.D.'s stories, but we need to have changes every now & again, and, in my opinion, Moffat is a great writer and deserves this job.

    Good sense of humour, too! Just like R.T.D.
  4. Robit 20 May 2008 at 20:49
    Cool Post Mark Nice picture i liked RTD stories i cant believe hes leaving but steven moffat is better because he will make doctor who really scary and thats brilliant aleast hes staying until the 2009 specials.
  5. Collin Kelley 21 May 2008 at 02:26
    I think this switch was inevitable. RTD wants to write and produce other things and DW and its spinoffs will have had him tied up for nearly five years. I think Moffat will do a great job. I also suspect we'll have the 11th Doctor in 2010, too.

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