
Doctor Who/Torchwood Merchandise Roundup

By Mark
There’s been plenty of news in the world of Doctor Who and Torchwood merchandise recently, to start with Scifi Collector have now released an image of the Gwen Cooper figure set for release later this year. It will be part of the Torchwood figure range and an image of the Captain Jack figure is expected to be released soon. In other news Character Options have now released an image of the next upcoming Doctor Who gadget, the Sonic Pen. The Sonic Pen, seen in Partners In Crime, will come in a set with The Doctor’s trusty Sonic Screwdriver. This set is expected to go on sale at the price of £9.99. Thirdly it has now been announced that a Doctor Who version of the popular game “Scene It” will be released this summer. Also make sure you don’t forget that the Doctor Who Top Trumps video game will be released tomorrow on PS2, DS and PC. Will you be buying any of these?
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6 comments so far.

  1. Doctor Who Hideout 15 May 2008 at 20:25
    The Gwen Figure Looks Good. Question is Will her Gun be Removeable? Never Really been Interested in Scene it, Its a Kind of DVD Game from what I Have Heard though. That Top Trumps Game is on my List, Going to get it for my Silver DS Lite. As for the Sonic Pen and Sonic Screwdriver Gift Set, that is on my List of Merchandise I Want!
  2. Anonymous 15 May 2008 at 20:36
    cool post. Love the new merchandise. might get the Top Trumps game for pc :D
  3. Anonymous 15 May 2008 at 20:49
    Awesome post love all of the stuff, especially the Gwen Figure.
  4. Collin Kelley 16 May 2008 at 18:15
    Yay, Torchwood figures. Doesn't really look like Gwen in the face, but's plastic. I want the whole team! I've seen an image of the Jack figure...someone has it on a website. He's wearing his long coat.
  5. Mark 16 May 2008 at 18:45
    That's the Doctor Who Series 3 Jack, Collin ;) There's not yet a picture of the Torchwood Jack figure :) Hopefully there will be soon.
  6. Bad Wolf 16 May 2008 at 19:48
    nice all of this merchandise sounds and looks great

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