
Doctor Who/Torchwood Awards Roundup

By Mark
The picture above was made by me.
Steven Moffat won the award for "Best Writer" at the at the British Academy Television Awards on Sunday night. He won this award for his work on the 10th episode of Doctor Who Series 3 "Blink". It was also announced on Sunday that David Tennant was named the sexiest man on TV in a poll which was carried out by Hallmark. David was voted for by 400 people, a quarter of the 1600 asked. Finally John Barrowman is nominated for two Logo awards and Torchwood is nominated for one. John is up for the "Best Actor" and "Best Gay Kiss" awards whereas as Torchwood is nominated for the "Best Show" award. Congratulations to Steven and David and the best of luck to John and Torchwood. What do you think of this award news?
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6 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 13 May 2008 at 16:33
    Cool post, Love the kiss scene's of Jack, hehe. Congrats to everyone, and everything that helped make Doctor Who and Torchwood get these awards. And congrats to David Tennant for being so sexy, well he can't help it *SQUEE!*
  2. Bad Wolf 13 May 2008 at 16:37
    cool is good to see the shows getting awards
  3. Doctor Who Hideout 13 May 2008 at 16:45
    Great Picture. Congratulations to Steven for Winning a Bafta for a Great Episode. Congratulations to David and Good Luck to Torchwood and John Barrowman.
  4. Robit 13 May 2008 at 17:49
    Cool Post mark Lovely Picture LOL Well done for them getting the awards WOOO
  5. Anonymous 13 May 2008 at 19:17
    Thats great he won! It was an awesome episode :D. lol the best gay kiss category makes me laugh though. hope they win :D
  6. Anonymous 14 May 2008 at 08:22
    3 cheers for Steven Moffat and David. Its great to see John being up for best actor, but best gay kiss? If anyone deserves an award for best gay kiss it should be a straight person, otherwise you're rewarding someone for doing what they do when they aren't acting. This is supposed to be an acting award isn't it?

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