Who's Up For A Hugo Award?

By Mark
The picture above was made by me.
Two episodes of Doctor Who Series 3 and one episode of Torchwood Series 1 have been nominated for a Hugo award this year. The award they are nominated for is the award for Best Dramatic Presentation. Here are the episodes which have been nominated;

Doctor Who - Human Nature/The Family of Blood
Doctor Who - Blink
Torchwood - Captain Jack Harkness

For the past two years Stephen Moffat has won this award for his work on The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances and The Girl in the Fireplace. The winner will be announced this August at the Denvention 3 convention.
Which episode do you want to win the award?
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2 comments so far.

  1. Bad Wolf 25 March 2008 at 12:08
    awesum well done to the shows once again. awesum picture aswell
  2. Doctor Who Hideout 25 March 2008 at 12:11
    Cool Pic and Post. Blink to Win!

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