
Happy Birthday Bernard Cribbins

By Mark
Today, the twenty ninth of December, is Bernard Cribbins' eighty first birthday and I would like to take this time on this website to wish him a very happy birthday and the best for the future. Bernard plays Wilfred Mott, Donna's grandfather, in Doctor Who and he is also well known for his previous role as the narrator of 'The Wombles'. In total, Bernard has appeared on 'Jackanory' one hundred and eleven times which makes him the programme's most prolific storyteller ever. Bernard's next appearance will be in the concluding part of The End of Time, the 10th Doctor's final adventure of Doctor Who, which will air on New Year's Day and you can view more details about Bernard's career here. Feel free to leave your birthday messages for Bernard in the comment section of this post below.

2 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 30 December 2009 at 01:16
    Cool! He's an awesome actor and he's great in Doctor Who. Happy Birthday to Bernard!
  2. Brad 30 December 2009 at 13:58
    Oooh happy belated birthday to Bernard Cribbins and to my granddad!

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