By Mark

The twenty sixth issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files was released today and it is now on sale in all good newsagents across the United Kingdom and Ireland at the price of £6.99. This fortnight's issue comes with a free DVD containing the next two episodes of Doctor Who; 'Forest of the Dead' and 'Midnight'. As well as coming free with this DVD, the issue also takes a look at; Davros, Charles Dickens, the Pyrovile, K9, CAL, the Crusader 50 and much more. It also goes behind the scenes of the programme to take a look at how the show is made and you can visit the official website for the Doctor Who DVD Files
here. You can also find out about some of the magazine's previous issues
here. The next issue of the Doctor Who DVD Files, issue number twenty seven, will be released in two weeks time and it will come with a free DVD containing the following episodes; 'Turn Left' and 'The Stolen Earth'. More information about the magazine's next issue will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available. Will you be purchasing a copy of the Doctor Who DVD Files #26?