Doctor Who Magazine #416
Get ready for The End of Time... with Doctor Who Magazine #416!
David Tennant gives an exclusive, in-depth interview in the biggest ever Doctor Who Magazine about his last days as the Tenth Doctor, the forthcoming Christmas Special, The End of Time, and the reasons why he’s decided to leave his dream job...
“When the Doctor decides he’s the ‘Time Lord Victorious’ [at the end of The Waters of Mars], we’re making him quite unsympathetic,” considers David. More human, even? “Well, it’s making him more Time Lord, actually, when you consider how they turned out.”
When we see the Doctor behaving arrogantly, selfishly or uncontrollably, it’s then that he appears more fallible, and therefore more human? “The Time Lords were pretty fallible too,” David perseveres. “It’s hubris. It’s Greek. It needed that scale to tell the final story. It’s a tale of the gods, really... but gods who are fallible... and, I suppose, human...” Also....
As Time Goes By...
With just two weeks to go until this year’s Doctor Who Christmas Specials, get a tantalising taste of what’s in store, with our exclusive preview, and dozens of brand new photos from The End of Time!
He’s the Doctor’s most persistent Time Lord nemesis – the Master is back! John Simm explains why he couldn’t miss out on the Tenth Doctor’s final party in an exclusive interview!
Grandad, Grandad, Lovely!
The Doctor’s faithful friend Wilfred Mott enters the Tardis – and for Bernard Cribbins it’s his first trip into time and space for 43 years! Bernard looks back over his incredible career...
A Spaceman Came Travelling...
The Fact of Fiction turns back the clock to Christmas 2005, and the moment when we first met the Tenth Doctor – in The Christmas Invasion!
It's The Final Countdown!
Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies write his very last Production Notes – but what will be his all-important final word...?
Simply Red!
Majenta Pryce’s dark secrets are about to be revealed as the 10th Doctor begins his final comic strip adventure 'The Crimson Hand', by Dan McDaid with art from Martin Geraghty.
Those Were The Days, My Friend...
DWM looks back at 2009's most memorable Doctor Who moments in the Review of the Year!
Party Like It's 1999!
The Time Team relive the end of the twentieth century as they turn their attention to the Eighth Doctor’s only on-screen adventure, the 1996 TV Movie!
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!
Win all the latest DVDs, CDs, books and audios – including the Doctor Who Series 1-4 box set! – in our specially extended Christmas Competitions section!
Every Breath You Take...
The Watcher concludes his definitive guide to the Time Lord’s many incarnations by taking a close look at The Tenth Doctor...
So Many Questions...
... and the Watcher is also back, celebrating his own tenth anniversary, and to present his annual Fiendishly Festive Christmas Quiz!
Money - That's What I Want!
DWM catches up with the slimy Sil, aka Nabil Shaban and finds out what he thinks about Jonathan Ross, YouTube, weapons of mass destruction – and returning as Sil on audio!
Read All About It!
All the news that’s fit to print (and quite a bit that isn’t) can be found in the latest edition of the Space-Time Telegraph!
Plus! All the latest news, previews, reviews... and a giant-sized, double-sided poster!
It’s the end of the world as we know it, but you’ll feel fine with DWM 416! 84 super-packed pages, out on Thursday 10 December priced £4.99!
The next issue of Doctor Who Magazine, issue 417, will be released on the seventh of January and it will feature exclusive previews for next year's fifth series of Doctor Who. A brand new look for the magazine will be unveiled and many other features will also be included inside the magazine. More information about the issue will be posted on this site as soon as it becomes available. Will you be purchasing a copy of Doctor Who Magazine #416?