
John Barrowman Offered Desperate Housewives Role?

By Mark
During a recent interview with Chris Moyles on BBC Radio One, John Barrowman revealed that he is currently in talks with the producers of Desperate Housewives about the possibility of securing a role in a future series of the show. John, who is well known for his role as Captain Jack Harkness in both Torchwood and Doctor Who, has previously expressed his love for the programme in interviews and on air, said the following;

"I'm off to Los Angeles on Sunday again. I probably shouldn't be saying this but I've got a meeting with the executive producers of Desperate Housewives. Can you believe it, I'm going to be a Desperate Housewife!"

At the moment, it isn't confirmed that John Barrowman will definitely be starring in Desperate Housewives as at this moment in time, the programme's producers are only discussing the possibility of casting John as a character in the show. There is currently no official confirmation by the BBC that there will be a fourth series of Torchwood either but more information about John's involvement with Desperate Housewives and the future of Torchwood will be posted here on this site as soon as it becomes publicly available.

1 comment so far.

  1. Harry 8 August 2009 at 11:11
    Oh my! john is Desperate Housewives! i know i would love to see that! heres me hoping to see him as a housewive, jb in drag means total heaven to me. how lush xxxx

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