
John Barrowman Cardiff Signing Rescheduled

By Mark
It was revealed last month that John Barrowman will signing copies of his second autobiography in various locations across the United Kingdom after the book is released later this year. The dates and locations for eight signings were announced but due to various reasons, the book signing in Cardiff has now been rescheduled. It was originally going to take place on the fifth of October but it has now been moved forward to the twenty eighth of September. Like with most of his other signings, this signing will begin at 1pm and you can view more information about all eight of the currently announced signings here on John Barrowman's official website. The autobiography will be titled 'I Am What I Am' and it will follow his first autobiography which was titled 'Anything Goes'. It will be released on the twenty first of September and go on sale in all good book stores at an RRP of £19.99. More details about further signings will be posted here on this site as soon as they becomes available. Will you be attending any of these signings?

1 comment so far.

  1. mandy 1 August 2009 at 21:09
    yes i will carnt waiy last time john came to cardiff to sign the coe dvd i got to the door at hmv and they shut the doors on us which fair enough they run out of time just one of those thing but thats not the best bit as i got back yo my car a lorry hit it and to rub sait in it while i am talking to police who should pass the car yep john barrowman i couldent belive it all that and still dident get to meet him

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