
The Next Doctor's Overnight Ratings

By Mark
The picture above was made by me.
According to overnight ratings, last night's festive episode of Doctor Who was watched by 11.7 million people which gave the episode an audience share of 50.5%. The episode, The Next Doctor, was the second most watched programme of the day and the most watched episode of Doctor Who this year. Final figures for The Next Doctor will be released in ten days time by BARB and it's likely that they will be significantly higher than these overnight ratings. What do you think of the overnight ratings that The Next Doctor received?

5 comments so far.

  1. Collin Kelley 27 December 2008 at 03:41
    I watched it last night and have to admit I was a bit underwhelmed. I thought Tennant did a fine job as usual and David Morrissey turned out to be much better than I thought -- although it's clear now he won't be the "next Doctor" -- but the episode seemed just a bit, I don't know, worn out. Cybermen again? Really? Ah, least no companions died a terrible death, were left in an alternative universe or had their memories wiped.
  2. Aaron 27 December 2008 at 19:03
    Just stumbled on your blog. I like it, I'll be checking back from time to time to get DW news. Living n Canada I don't get too many updates on the show but I try. I have a similar blog you can check out if you'd like, I follow a wide selection of entertainment news and referred to your site for the numbers for the Christmas Special.

    I really liked the episode, in response to the first comment I think it was about time that we saw the Cybermen again, every Christmas Special so far hasn't had one of The Doctor's big enemies and it was overdue, really liked Morrissey he reminded me a bit of Kenneth Branagh in The Chamber of Secrets. The only issue I had is that someone again wanted to change the way a robotic nemesis operates by giving them emotion. It's been covered a few times mostly with the Daleks. Overall though no complaints.
  3. Mark 27 December 2008 at 19:49
    Hiya Aaron, thanks for your comment and welcome to the site. I loved the episode too and can't wait to see Planet of the Dead. Thanks for the link to my site on your post and thanks Collin for your comment too :)
  4. Conor 29 December 2008 at 21:51
    Cool post and awesome image, it really catches your eye, its so cool. Good to hear The Next Doctor got very good ratings. :D
  5. Anonymous 20 January 2009 at 16:41
    hay just wanted to say hi to fellow Canadian Aaron and ask what happened to the shocking ending RTD sayed we would get?

Something to say?