Doctor Who The Trial of a Time Lord DVD

By Mark
BBC DVD have now released an image of the cover for the classic box set release "The Trial of a Time Lord". The four disc set contains these 6th Doctor stories; The Mysterious Planet, Mindwarp, Terror Of The Vervoids and The Ultimate Foe. Here is the synopsis for the DVD;

This four-disc set features the episodes - "The Mysterious Planet", "Mind Warp", "Terror Of The Vervoids" and "The Ultimate Foe" - that make up the Trial of a Time Lord storyline. The TARDIS is drawn to a space station where the Doctor (Colin Baker) is subjected to a Time Lord inquiry into his behaviour, presided over by an Inquisitor. The prosecuting counsel, the Valeyard, presents the first piece of his evidence, which consists of a recording played back on a screen linked to the Matrix. It concerns a visit by the Doctor and Peri to the desolate planet Ravolox...

Set for release in the United Kingdom on the 18th August, the DVD will have a running time of 349 minutes and go on sale at an RRP of £49.99 with the classification PG. This box will be released in America on the 7th October. Will you be buying this box set?
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3 comments so far.

  1. Doctor Who Hideout 20 July 2008 at 14:32
    Love the Cover. Doubt I will buy this DVD, it was broadcast in fourteen weekly parts. Plus all of the episodes except Terror have got bad reviews from Fans. Well, good luck to fans who will buy this and can watch fourteen parts without getting bored.
  2. Anonymous 20 July 2008 at 14:52
    Love the cover, the DVD looks cool.
  3. Conor 20 July 2008 at 17:05
    Great post the cover is cool, cant wait to get this.

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