
Trailer Of The Damned

By Mark
A ten second long trailer of Voyage Of The Damned aired on BBC1 last night in between Strictly Come Dancing and Robin Hood. The Doctor, Astrid and The Titanic above Earth all featured in the trailer last night. Did you miss the trailer? Well don't worry, you can watch it again by opening door number eight on the Doctor Who Adventure Calendar or alternatively by watching it below;

Also thanks to The Doctor Who Site, we have four high quality screencaps of the trailer;

There are now only 16 days to go till Christmas and till Voyage Of The Damned, I can't wait. In other Doctor Who news, behind door number 9 on the Doctor Who Adventure Calendar is a Titanic jigsaw puzzle which you can put together here. Once the jigsaw is completed a short extract from the script of Voyage Of The Damned will be revealed for you to read.
What do you think of the trailer?
Have you completed the Titanic jigsaw?
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3 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 9 December 2007 at 15:17
    Titanic in space?
    Jigsaw's lovely, shame Tv scheduling meant I missed the trailer on the telly.
  2. ? 9 December 2007 at 20:32
    Thanks for commenting on my blog! You have an awesome one too!
  3. Collin Kelley 10 December 2007 at 19:15
    That is so cool!

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