
Rock Monsters In Pompeii?

By Mark
Picture above was made by me.
In a recent interview with New Statesman, Russell T Davies discussed everything from his personal life to working on Doctor Who, you can read the full interview here. In the interview Russell said the following about Doctor Who;

"Doctor Who is terrifying because it's so visible. We have eight million viewers. We can't get away with making a bad episode. But it's also the best job in the world. I control the mothership. I say: 'I want Pompeii, with rock monsters!' How great is that?"

Does this mean that The Doctor and Donna will encounter rock monsters in Pompeii? If so not only will The Doctor, Donna and the residents of Pompeii have a volcano to worry about but a threatening race of rock monsters too. Please note that it isn't yet confirmed that rock monsters will definitely feature in the episode.
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