
Future Episode Titles

By Mark

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, issue 390, confirms some episode titles for Doctor Who Series 4 and Torchwood Series 2. We now know three episode titles for Doctor Who Series 4, they are as follows;

  • Doctor Who Series 4 Episode 1: Partners In Crime
  • Doctor Who Series 4 Episode 2: Planet Of The Ood
  • Doctor Who Series 4 Episode 4: The Sontaran Stratagem

To conclude the Ood will appear in episode 2 and the Sontarans will appear in episode 4. In Partners In Crime, The Doctor and Donna Noble will meet up again. Also in the issue Russell T Davies confirms that UNIT (United Nations Intelligence Taskforce) will return in Doctor Who Series 4. Thanks to Doctor Who Magazine, we now know the first six episode titles for Torchwood Series 2, they are as follows;

  • Torchwood Series 2 Episode 1: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
  • Torchwood Series 2 Episode 2: Sleeper
  • Torchwood Series 2 Episode 3: To the Last Man
  • Torchwood Series 2 Episode 4: Meat
  • Torchwood Series 2 Episode 5: Adam
  • Torchwood Series 2 Episode 6: Reset

These episodes titles are planned to be the ones which hit the screens next year, but episode titles can always change at the last minute so they or may not be the final episode titles.
In this month's issue there is also a hidden episode title for Doctor Who Series 4, the episode title features somewhere in the Production Notes of the issue and many people believe that the hidden episode title is one of the below;

  • Code Red
  • The Year That Never Was
  • Streets Of London
  • Mysterious Creature
  • Beware Of The Black Mink

The year in which The Master reigned was referred to as "The Year That Never Was" by Captain Jack in the Doctor Who Series 3 finale, so if that is the title maybe we may see the year that Martha travelled the world telling people of "The Doctor". We will just have to wait and see which episode titles it is, it may or may not be any of the above.
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1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous 15 December 2007 at 16:47
    Thats what i said inan Article about into the Vortex!!

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