Who Won? Which Doctor?

The Question was “Who is your favourite Doctor?”
The options were;
1st Doctor (William Hartnell)
2nd Doctor (Patrick Troughton)
3rd Doctor (Jon Pertwee)
4th Doctor (Tom Baker)
5th Doctor (Peter Davison)
6th Doctor (Colin Baker)
7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy)
8th Doctor (Paul McGann)
9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston)
10th Doctor (David Tennant)
In first place came the 10th Doctor played by David Tennant with 73% of the vote, 31 votes out of 42. In second place came the 4th Doctor (Tom Baker) with 9% of the vote, 4 votes. The 5th Doctor (Peter Davison) came in third place with 7% of the vote, 3 votes. In fourth place was the 9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) with 4% of the vote, 2 votes. The 6th Doctor (Colin Baker) and 1st Doctor (William Hartnell) tied at fifth place with 2% of the vote each, 1 vote each. All the other Doctor's; 2nd Doctor (Patrick Troughton), 3rd Doctor (Jon Pertwee), 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) and the 8th Doctor (Paul McGann) came in fifth place, all with 0%, no votes.
Here is the poll results picture for proof;

A New poll will be added very soon for you to cast your votes. The poll will be a weekly instalment. This weeks is going to be very interesting.
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