Character Profile: Sycorax

The Sycorax’s language is “Sycoraxic”. Through Blood Control the Sycorax take control over one third of the population, the people with A+ (A Positive) blood, controlling them to climb to the highest spots they can and stand right at the very edge as if they were to jump.
They can control the A+ blood as it was a sample on the “Guinevere One” probe that UNIT (United Nations Intelligence Taskforce) sent out to space which collided with their ship.

The Sycorax claim Earth as their own planet and threaten that if the human race isn’t sold into slavery then they will kill the one third of the population with A+ blood.
Among the many Sycorax, is the Sycorax Leader (Can be seen below).

The Sycorax however are given a chance to flee and tell others of the planet and its goods, its riches and of what happened, and to never attack again. While fleeing, Harriet Jones commands Torchwood to fire four beams into the sky, which ended up killing the Sycorax aboard that ship..

The Sycorax's average individual lifespan is 400 years, they come from the planet “Firetrap (JX82 System)” where some Sycorax may still live. It is far from the end of the Sycorax race.