Character Profile: Isolus

The Isolus are compassionate beings in need of love and company. Keeping them going is their need for each other, that urge to find each other can sustain them for thousands of years.
Every Isolus travels in a small pod, this small pod lights up and bleeps when it can sense the love coming from others around it. They use their pod to ride the heat and energy of the solar tides. Keeping themselves amused, they make virtual worlds using Ionic power. You can see an Isolus pod below;

At the end of “Fear Her” , The Isolus Pod was charged up by the heat, the love and emotions of The Olympic Torch, The Isolus was sent back to space, and Chloe Webber was back to her normal self, now the Isolus had left her body. There are still many thousands of Isolus out there, so there could always be a return of The Isolus.