Character Profile: Graske

The Graske invade planets by replacing the population. Keeping the real lifeforms stored away that they have snatched and make clones of them. The clones then are sent back to replace the original lifeform as if nothing has even happened. The Clones are called Changelings, whose eyes often glow an eerie green.
Graskes can teleport from place to place using a transmat device where they then snatch people or other creatures using a small gun they have. This gun sends out a spark, producing a blue aura around the victim. (Can be seen below.)

I chose button 1 which was the right thing to do, to teleport the prisoners of the Graske back to where they came from.
The Graske still live on the planet Griffoth, they have an opportunity to come back in a new Doctor Who adventure, as they weren’t killed.
The Graske still live on the planet Griffoth, they have an opportunity to come back in a new Doctor Who adventure, as they weren’t killed.