Best Wishes Billie

Unfortunately sad news came today when we found out Billie Piper has been having eye probelms, I wish you to get well Billie , Best Wishes from Mark from Tardis And Torchwood Treasures. Here is the article by The Mirror;
Billie Piper was yesterday treated in hospital after a sudden attack of blindness.
The panic-stricken actress could not open her eyes when she woke up after a night out at a restaurant where she had suffered blurred vision.
Doctors at Moorfield's eye hospital in Central London were carrying out tests to see if the 24-year-old has damaged her retina.
A worried friend said last night: "She's being looked at but we don't know the score. It could be that her eyesight has been damaged or that she has some form of infection or other condition."
Itv, where the former Doctor Who star has just finished filming Secret Diary of a Call Girl, said: "Billie woke up and couldn't open her eyes. She has non-permanent damage to her sight." Billie's eye scare began when she arrived at the Ivy in London after a photo-shoot with fashion snapper Rankin. She was spotted peering closely at her mobile, clearly having trouble focusing.
As she stepped outside for a cigarette, her eyes looked bleary. And she was in obvious discomfort as flash bulbs went off around her. She covered her eyes with her hair to stop the intense glare.
Experts say retinal damage caused by camera flashes are rare but they could serve as a trigger for existing conditions.
The panic-stricken actress could not open her eyes when she woke up after a night out at a restaurant where she had suffered blurred vision.
Doctors at Moorfield's eye hospital in Central London were carrying out tests to see if the 24-year-old has damaged her retina.
A worried friend said last night: "She's being looked at but we don't know the score. It could be that her eyesight has been damaged or that she has some form of infection or other condition."
Itv, where the former Doctor Who star has just finished filming Secret Diary of a Call Girl, said: "Billie woke up and couldn't open her eyes. She has non-permanent damage to her sight." Billie's eye scare began when she arrived at the Ivy in London after a photo-shoot with fashion snapper Rankin. She was spotted peering closely at her mobile, clearly having trouble focusing.
As she stepped outside for a cigarette, her eyes looked bleary. And she was in obvious discomfort as flash bulbs went off around her. She covered her eyes with her hair to stop the intense glare.
Experts say retinal damage caused by camera flashes are rare but they could serve as a trigger for existing conditions.
This is really sad news and we all hope you get well soon.
I hope you get better Billie, Best wishes.
Send your wishes to Billie below.